Saturday, April 28, 2012

The after market report for April

Anzac Day 

Across Australia this week, we stopped to pay our respects to the men and women of our armed forces, for their service and sacrifice in wars past and present.

To those of you who have served or who currently serve here or overseas, thank you and stay safe.

After getting off to a chilly start it turned out to be a fine day and we hope that all of you who had a stall or who came out and supported our stallholders enjoyed yourselves.

There are still leaves on the trees here but they are falling and many of them found their way into the hall today!

This was the last chance to get the perfect gift before Mother's Day and there were plenty of little treasures to choose from for mum and all ages. The hall was pretty full with the return of some familiar faces amongst the traders as well as some new ones.

We even had something for fairy dolls and baby vikings !

 There was plenty of warm headwear to choose from and to suit every taste and budget.

The colder weather also made for hungry people as shown by the number of Devonshire Teas sold today. This photo does not show the steam coming off the scones. You can't taste the home made jam either!

That's it for this month. We look forward to seeing you all in May. If you are interested in finding out more about the market or having a stall next month please contact Gerrie on 5429 3652 or email 

Lost and Found announcement

A mobile phone was found as we were packing up today. It has been handed in at the local Police station and hopefully will be reunited with its owner as soon as possible.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

April Market this weekend

The market is on again this Saturday 9am to 1:30pm at the Mechanic's Institute Hall, just across from the old Hay and Grain store. Lancefield is beautiful this time of year as Autumn progresses and well worth a day trip.

Look forward to seeing you